Jason Kent

For over the last 20 years, Jason has been ethically peering into Client Behaviour, Wireless Networks, Web Applications, APIs and Cloud Systems, helping organisations secure their assets and intellectual property from unauthorised access. As a consultant he's taken hundreds of organisations through difficult compliance mine fields, ensuring their safety. As a researcher he has found flaws in consumer IOT systems and assisted in hardening them against external attacks. At Cequence Security Jason does research, community outreach and supports efforts in identifying Automated Attacks against Web, Mobile, and API-based Applications to keep Cequence's customers safe.

Posts by Jason Kent:

Detecting threats to APIs

One of the challenges facing businesses in protecting their APIs is putting in place future proof threat detection. Jason Kent, Hacker in Residence at Cequence Security, looks at the importance of detection, best practice, and its part in a unified API protection strategy.

How to get API discovery right

Discovering Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) is essential to managing and securing them and prevents the persistence of shadow or zombie APIs. But many businesses don’t do this initial stage effectively. Jason Kent, Hacker in Residence at Cequence Security, looks at why you need to perform internal and external discovery on a continuous basis to build a solid foundation for API management.

The Digital Transformation Expo is coming to London on October 2-3. Register now!