Guy Parry Williams

Guy Parry-Williams

Posts by Guy Parry Williams:

The Cloud – Debunking the Myth

Mid-sized businesses are head down, wrestling with constantly evolving operational challenges, from skills shortages to supply chain delays and raging inflation. Management teams lack the time and often confidence to explore technology innovation and, as a result, too many companies are missing vital opportunities to cut costs, boost efficiency and reach new customers.

Forgotten video over the metaverse gimmick

Amongst all of the upward trajectory surrounding the metaverse, it’s easy for early-stage companies to get swept up in the overwhelm and believe that they need to incorporate this into their strategies. What’s needed, however, is a return to implementable video marketing models, and a refined strategy incorporating the value of video and immersive technology, before companies even begin to utter the word “metaverse” as a potential revenue stream.

Creating a Trusted Source of News

NGOs that embrace a better, faster, more secure and trackable way to manage the end to end content production and management process will play an ever more significant role in turning the tide on fake news, reinforcing their credentials and boosting awareness in the process.

The Digital Transformation Expo is coming to London on October 2-3. Register now!