Top Tech Entrepreneurs Announced At Start-Up Summit

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  • Raising Partners Live announces high-profile speakers – including co-founders of and Freeagent 
  • Former Skyscanner COO Mark Logan says the conference will be the “starting gun” for creating a world-class tech sector in Scotland
  • FreeAgent co-founder Ed Molyneux hopes the conference can help the Scottish tech scene “dream a little bigger, push a little harder”

The co-founders of tech firms Freeagent and will share their secrets of success at an entrepreneurs’ investment summit being held in Glasgow next month.

Ed Molyneux, who was the CEO of accounting software firm Freeagent, and Julien Callede, the former COO of online furniture retailer, have been announced as speakers at Raising Partners Live alongside investment experts specializing in early-stage business funding.

The one-day conference, which takes place on May 10, at the University of Strathclyde’s Technology & Innovation Centre (TIC), will help to equip Scottish entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge to successfully raise funding.  

The event is being supported by the Scottish Government’s Technology Ecosystem Fund, which was created in response to the 2020 Logan Report, an independent review of how Scotland’s tech economy should be supported.

Mark Logan, who spent five years as a chief operating officer at Skyscanner, one of only three tech unicorns – companies valued at $1 billion – to come out of Scotland, believes the conference will play an important role in creating a world-class tech sector for Scotland.

Mr. Logan, who authored the report, said: “We know Scotland has what it takes to be a global tech leader, while we still need to do more to give our entrepreneurs the networks and skills to raise the finance they need to grow. 

“This conference is a very exciting step in harnessing the potential of Scotland’s entrepreneurial spirit. Events like these are absolutely essential for fostering the relationships and networks businesses rely on to access advice, talent and funding.”

Ed Molyneux, co-founder and former CEO of Freeagent, added: “Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely business, and there’s no handbook. But it’s not rocket science; others have been there before you, getting off the ground, raising finance, building successful teams, and of course making plenty of mistakes on the way.  

“Having a network of fellow entrepreneurs around you, at all stages of their journeys, and learning from them about what did and didn’t work, can make all the difference. That’s what this conference is all about.”

The free conference was created by the fundraising firm Raising Partners, which was founded in 2017 by Glasgow entrepreneur Helena Murphy, who was frustrated at the lack of finance options for growing businesses.

She said: “The speaker line-up at the conference will give attendees amazing access to entrepreneurs who’ve been through the ups and downs of fundraising, as well as hearing from investors who can help them understand how to go about securing finance for growth.

Finance has been a stumbling block for Scottish tech firms for far too long – this conference is going to help us change that.”

As well as insights from the keynote speakers, the conference will feature panel discussions on what investors are looking for when deciding to back new businesses; workshops to help entrepreneurs develop their skills; and opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors to meet and grow their networks.

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