Avoid Common Usage Pitfalls With Android Digital Signage

Why Android TV?

With so many digital display devices in the market today, which should you choose for your digital signage? Whether your criteria depend on your client’s requirements or your own restrictions, you’ll need an operating system that can provide flexible solutions. Android TV offers several advantages over other operating systems, including the following: 


Android TV is a free OS solution often pre-built into many smart TV and displays’ hardware. While its creator, Google, doesn’t charge for the OS, it does require manufacturers using the OS to adhere to its policies. This includes the promotion of other Google products on Android TV. In addition, users also receive free OS updates as Google continually improves the system. 


Display devices range from basic smart tablets costing less than $100 to the latest 8K LED screen displays worth thousands of dollars. While each device contains different features and operates differently, they all run on the Android operating system. This means they can also run the Android TV OS—a streamlined version specifically designed for smart TVs and display devices. 


Furthermore, popular streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and others are widely available on Android devices. Android TV has Google Play Store integrated with the system. Users can easily source, download, and install these apps with Android TV. In addition, many developers offer software that helps run digital displays. They range from simple one-dimensional slideshow programs to video wall software that displays 3D animation content on curved screens. These programs generally run on Android TV as well. 

The Pitfalls of Using Android Digital Signage Systems

While Android digital signage systems provide the best solution for digital displays, they aren’t immune to common problems. Provide your audience with a great digital display experience by avoiding them with these helpful tips.

Pitfall 1: Relying on Default Software to Perform Maintenance Services

Like any other device, Android digital signage systems will need constant operating system and application software updates. It can be difficult to manage the entire fleet, depending on the device management software that comes with the hardware. This is especially true when dealing with dozens or hundreds of display devices. 

Instead of relying on modern cloud software to perform Over-the-Air (OTA) services, administrators are forced to work with older protocols like TR-69. This means performing updates for the entire fleet could take days or weeks. The company can’t use these devices until the updates are complete, which can substantially impact revenues. 

TIP 1:

Use modern, reliable device management software to manage, maintain, and secure your digital display devices. 

Pitfall 2: Lack of Different Access Levels

Devices allowing all users to access all of its data can spell trouble. An operator tasked to run the display program might inadvertently change something in the system settings that disabled some features. Or, a curious bystander might decide to tamper with the device and copy or delete files or launch other programs. 

TIP 2:

Have your device manager create and assign access levels that conform to each user’s scope of work. Ideally, display devices should have different access levels depending on the type of user. The administrator can assign user access levels for operators, which limits them to copying content files, running the display program, and setting timers. 

They should also restrict access to the system settings to themselves and members of the IT support team. Finally, any data collected by devices should remain restricted. Only top-level officers should have access to the data, which they can use to gather insights. 

Pitfall 3: Using USB Sticks to Copy and Transfer Content

Using the archaic flash drive to copy and transfer media content to your Android digital signage devices isn’t just old school, it’s also dangerous. Imagine your displays set up on the highway atop high towers. Will you deploy your staff to climb these towers whenever you need to replace content? Moreover, when USB reading errors happen, operators can’t do anything about it until somebody notices the problem. A display device could run a blank screen for days in a remote location without anybody noticing. Imagine the lost opportunities and, subsequently, the lost revenue of this happening often. 

TIP 3:

Stop using USB sticks to save and transfer content to your display devices. Use modern cloud software to transfer and manage your content.

Reliable Cloud-Based Device Management Software to Avoid Android Digital Signage Pitfalls

Modern device management software is available to help you avoid these pitfalls. Today’s device managers run via cloud systems that take advantage of the reduced latency, redundancy, and end-to-end encryption and security of Amazon Web Services. This means that the software can remotely provide low-level management services. 

Administrators can service or update a single device, a group of related units, or the entire fleet in one sitting. Cloud access also means that communication among devices and data storage practices remain compliant with data privacy requirements, such as GDPR, CCPA, ISO, and SOC2. 

The ideal device manager should also be able to assign different access levels to various stakeholders according to their responsibilities. Operators can only work within the display requirements, while admins can access the OS settings and perform maintenance works. Meanwhile, marketing and executive teams can access user data and generate insights to help improve future operations. 

Finally, the device manager should also use remote access to enforce security protocols. Once alerted, admins can freeze, lock, or disable devices in danger of unauthorised access or theft. Admins can also wipe data off devices if there is a risk of data breaches. The IT team can even locate missing or moved devices using geolocation services.

For Android Digital Signage Systems, Modern Device Management is the Key

Android digital signage systems are a notable investment. Protect them by proactively avoiding their common pitfalls. Of course, utilising reliable device management software is the best way to reduce or eliminate these common digital signage problems. Doing so pays for itself by allowing for a faster, higher ROI. 

Nadav Avni

Nadav Avni is a Chief Marketing Officer at Radix Technologies.

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