Amber Donovan-Stevens

Content Editor / Top Business Tech

Amber is a Content Editor at Top Business Tech

Posts by adonovan-stevens:

The future of SaaS and unstructured data

The shift to remote working caused an explosion in the use of SaaS apps for virtual collaboration and document sharing. But this has not been without risk, especially when the data within is unstructured. Maximising visibility and keeping tabs on access rights is key to protecting this new perimeter for security said Grady Summers, Executive Vice President of Product at SailPoint.

Don’t innovate for innovation’s sake

Embarking on a digital transformation project can be exciting for many organizations – especially when customers, prospects, employees, and wider stakeholders feel the changes in a positive way. However, if the motivation to undergo a programme is purely for vanity or because a competitor is doing the same thing, it’s likely to fall flat.

That’s because innovation isn’t simply a case of rolling out a new product or service without substance or thought. Instead, it’s about adding value, as Carol McGrotty, head of transformation for cloud disruptor firm Vapour, explains.

An edge computing breakup: out with the old, and in with the new

Dave Russell, vice president of enterprise strategy and Rick Vanover, senior director of product strategy, Veeam, look at just how much network and data demand is now happening at the edge of corporate networks, and that’s led to a huge need for computer power, capacity, and storage. They examine the security ramifications involved in deploying handling this proliferation of edge computing applications, as well as some of the areas edge technologies will play a prominent role over the next few years.

The Digital Transformation Expo is coming to London on October 2-3. Register now!