Enterprises are still scared of omnichannel content experiences

CMS content omnichannel

We take a look at Storyblok’s CMS State Of Content Management 2022 Report and the way organizations are responding to modern technological advancements like XR.

In the past year, the news of businesses making the big leap to metaverse, XR, and next-gen technology has been everywhere. The release recently of The State of Content Management 2022 report seems to reflect that only a percentage of enterprises are interested in delivering content to voice-activated speakers, AR/VR, and smartwatches. These are technological advancements that are required should a company be interested in expanding into the infamous Metaverse.

The report was created by Storyblok, a headless CMS enterprise that enables developers and marketers to deliver powerful content experiences on a wide range of digital platforms. They contacted professionals across a wide range of industries throughout the United States, UK, Germany, and Sweden to get their feedback on the way they manage content in their businesses.

Once analyzed the results showed, contrary to claims that many enterprises are actively pursuing more advanced omnichannel content platforms, they are in fact being more reluctant. Taking a cautious approach and mostly sticking with websites and mobile apps where they are more comfortable or confident with the success of the platform. The results showed only 7.2% provide voice-activated speakers support with their CMS, 6.6% for AR/VR and only 3.7% for smartwatches.

While there is notable interest in some of these areas for the future, which is increasing over time, the research still shows they are at the lowest end of the scale. Future business plans were also questioned as part of the study and there is some market improvement. 9.6% said they would invest more in voice-activated speakers, 6.5% said AR/VR was included in their business plans moving ahead, and 5.1% said smartwatches.

Dominik Angerer, Co-Founder and CEO of Storyblok commented on these results saying, “this data proves that enterprise adoption of newer content platforms has a long way to go, but we’re still in the early days of advanced digital transformation projects.” Should larger organizations lead the way into the Metaverse and provide a positive example of AR/VR investment improving their business, this will most likely change.

Companies like Google and Nvidia would not be investing so much in this technology if they didn’t see it as where the future of technology is heading. Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia stated that the metaverse could actually save companies billions of dollars in the real world. So the question remains as to why companies are holding back.

“Once more companies understand how a headless CMS makes it possible for one content hub to easily publish content everywhere, the growth of omnichannel content experiences will accelerate at a much more rapid pace,” states Angerer. Suggesting that businesses may be more willing to expand in this area if they have an easy method to manage it.

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The other findings from the report do reflect growth in this area as although only 34.91% of the businesses asked use a headless CMS, 82.91% of these stated they have seen improvements in ROI, budget, and performance since making the switch to a headless CMS. This proves that the management system could vastly improve business and perhaps also make the swap to omnichannel content easier for those contemplating expansion.

Overall, much of this depends on whether companies are slow to invest due to being scared of how to manage these new platforms or if they do not foresee them being successful. Bernard Marr, International Author, and Keynote speaker suggests that VR and wearable human-computer interfaces are some of the most important pieces of technology that will change the future of the human race. If this prediction is correct like so many others, then as the technology continues to evolve, we may see a huge boom in the numbers in these reports.

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