E.ON creates Amazon Alexa skill to help make UK homes more sustainable

Renewable electricity provider E.ON1 has launched a new Alexa skill featuring advice designed to help people become more sustainable at home.

Renewable electricity provider E.ON1 has created an Amazon Alexa skill to help educate people about sustainability in the home and make advice more accessible. 

The move comes as new research2 reveals that over a third of people (37%) say they have incorporated sustainable habits into their routine since the lockdowns began and many are concerned these habits may become less of a priority as life continues to return to normal (66%).

However, the research also shows that Brits give different reasons as to why their sustainable habits may become less of a priority. Around four in 10 people say their focus may shift away from sustainability because they:

  • have less time than before (44%)
  • are not at home as much (42%) 
  • have other pressing priorities (39%)

But with six in 10 (59%) of those surveyed wanting to educate themselves on how to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, E.ON has today made this easier by launching a new Amazon Alexa skill. By simply saying ‘Alexa, Open E.ON’s Sustainable Home’, Alexa customers can access free tips and advice voiced by radio DJ, TV presenter and sustainability advocate Edith Bowman. 

E.ON’s Sustainable Home Alexa skill will help people understand more about a range of topics related to sustainable living, including: 

  • Why it’s important to be sustainable in the home
  • How to make your home more sustainable
  • How to be sustainable at different times throughout the year
  • How to be sustainable in different rooms of your home 
  • What the best sustainable solutions are for your home

The launch come following previous research by E.ON, which found that almost half (48%)3 of Britons admitted to becoming more sustainably conscious during the lockdowns. Britons adopted habits such as turning off switches when not plugged in (26%), turning off appliances that aren’t in use (24%) and only heating rooms that are in use (18%), becoming firm fixtures in their daily lives.

However, the new research from E.ON2 also reveals that two thirds (66%) of Brits are concerned they might slip back into old routines and habits now restrictions are easing, meaning being sustainable around the home could become less of a priority for them. 

Around a third say switching lights off when not in the room (39%), turning the heating off during the day when they are not at home (35%), and thinking about installing sustainable solutions in their homes, such as an energy-efficient boiler (30%) or solar panels (24%) may slip down their list of priorities. 

Michael Lewis, E.ON UK CEO, said: “We understand that as the world slowly returns to normal and people start getting out and about more, being sustainable at home might become less of a priority for some. But we need to ensure that sustainability remains on everyone’s list of priorities and all of the good habits and intentions many of us have adopted over this last year continue. 

“There are many simple and easy steps people can take towards becoming more sustainable at home, such as tracking your energy use with a smart meter or switching to a provider offering 100% renewable electricity as standard such as E.ON Next and even getting solar panels. And there are many everyday tricks you can use too.

“By creating an Alexa skill, we’re making sustainability advice easy, convenient and accessible for people who want to find out more and to take action, helping the nation meet our net-zero target.“

As a keen advocate of sustainable living, Radio DJ and TV presenter, Edith Bowman said: “I am delighted to be working with E.ON to help bring advice on sustainability directly into people’s homes. 

“It is so important that we take responsibility to care for the environment we live in, and as we all start leaving our homes more, it is crucial we maintain the positive sustainability habits we have developed over the past 12 months.  

“Working with E.ON on this campaign has been a great way to learn more about sustainable solutions in the home such as energy-efficient boilerssmart meters and heat pumps, which are all great steps towards living a more sustainable life.”


The launch coincides with the release of E.ON’s Carbon Countdown Road to 2030 report, which looks at the behavioural and policy changes needed to help meet the UK’s net-zero goals. The new report aims to educate and inform the nation on industry measures required in critical areas such as the home.

To find out more about 100% renewable electricity from E.ON Next, visit eonnext.com. And for more about how to be sustainable at home and other sustainable solutions, visit eonenergy.com

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Amber Donovan-Stevens

Amber is a Content Editor at Top Business Tech

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