NHS Test and Trace strengthens its cyber defences

NHS Test and Trace has selected British cybersecurity company Risk Ledger to manage cybersecurity risks.

NHS Test and Trace has selected British cybersecurity company Risk Ledger to manage cybersecurity risks in their supply chain as a proactive measure to mitigate the increasing risks NHS and other critical national infrastructure organisations face from supply chain cyber-attacks. The Risk Ledger platform will give the UK government-funded service all the tools they need to manage cybersecurity risks in their supply chain at speed for a low per-supplier cost – at least 60% cheaper than traditional solutions.

Cybersecurity risks in the supply chain can include third parties failing to encrypt sensitive data as it is being transferred. NHS Test and Trace, established to track and help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in England, will take advantage of Risk Ledger’s key innovation, its secure ‘social network’ allowing organisations to connect and share risk data securely quickly and easily. This gives organisations like NHS Test and Trace unparalleled visibility of their supply chain and a comprehensive set of data to identify, measure and mitigate supply chain security risks at scale. 

Major supply chain cybersecurity breaches at Solarwinds and Microsoft have put the challenge of securing supply chains at the top of the agenda for organisations worldwide in recent months.

Minister for Digital Infrastructure Matt Warman MP said: “The government is working tirelessly to secure the nation online and grow the UK’s £8.9 billion cybersecurity industry as we build back better from the pandemic. We’re helping SMEs develop innovative products and services, and it’s great to see Risk Ledger, one of the firms we’ve supported, win this contract to protect the Test and Trace system and support the national effort against coronavirus.”

Risk Ledger’s client base includes BAE AI, City of London Police, Telenor, Schroder’s Personal Wealth and ASOS. Risk Ledger CEO and Co-Founder Haydn Brooks said: “NHS Test and Trace is essentially the biggest new startup in the UK healthcare market, so we are delighted they have chosen to take advantage of our ability to provide enhanced visibility of their supply chain risks. I am proud we will be part of the effort to secure this critical supply chain.


“Healthcare organisations and their supply chains handle lots of highly sensitive data and have a high rate of data breaches. We have already seen during the COVID-19 pandemic that bad actors are actively targeting supply chains to access data and cause disruption,” added Brooks.

Risk Ledger is a rising star of the UK’s growing cybersecurity scene, having won competitions run by the UK Government’s National Cyber Security Centre, the tech industry body TechUK and most recently a winner in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport’s ‘Most Innovative UK Cyber SME of the Year’ competition in May. The company is also a member of the UK Government-backed LORCA programme (London Office of Rapid Cybersecurity Advancement).

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